Welcome to Perfect Bridal Coaching

You have the guy, you have the dress, you have the date. You may even have a Wedding Consultant. What you don't have is Peace of Mind. You are frantic, obsessive, scared, petrified, actually. It is going to be your one Special Day. It has to be Perfect.

I have been there, and done it. I am also a Life Coach and Certified Mediator. I will help you sort out the drama which can occur when you are putting together the biggest day of your life.

I can help you make it an easier process and help you reduce your stress and worry. You are the Perfect Bride and you will have the Perfect Wedding. Contact: paula@perfectbridalcoach.com for more information.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Wedding

I heard someone talking about how she had to get a dress for a wedding she was going to -- a dress for the wedding and outfits for the other pre and post-wedding events. Then she said she was going on a long trip and was not buying anything. I asked her the difference between the wedding and the trip. The trip is regular life, she said. Museums, restaurants, hiking, touring -- regular life. But a wedding -- a wedding is special, she said. A special occasion where everyone -- not just the bride -- wants to look their best because it adds to the specialness. I liked that.

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