Welcome to Perfect Bridal Coaching

You have the guy, you have the dress, you have the date. You may even have a Wedding Consultant. What you don't have is Peace of Mind. You are frantic, obsessive, scared, petrified, actually. It is going to be your one Special Day. It has to be Perfect.

I have been there, and done it. I am also a Life Coach and Certified Mediator. I will help you sort out the drama which can occur when you are putting together the biggest day of your life.

I can help you make it an easier process and help you reduce your stress and worry. You are the Perfect Bride and you will have the Perfect Wedding. Contact: paula@perfectbridalcoach.com for more information.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

When He's Not Prince Charming

Living with Your Bashert by Sara Chana Racliffe for Chabad
G‑d knows you and your spouse intimately. Your spouse is, in fact, your "bashert" – the soul chosen to accompany your soul on life's journey. Your spouse - your spiritual partner, your other half – is there to help you develop YOUR potential. One's bashert is not necessarily a feel-good buddy. One's bashert can be someone who gives you quite the run for your money. He or she can irritate you to bits until you learn to be more tolerant, patient or understanding. He or she can hurt your feelings constantly until you learn to love yourself more. He or she can walk all over you until you learn to be assertive. He or she can ignore you until you learn to stand up and fight for what you want. Your spouse can draw you into dysfunction and despair until you learn to give others space to be themselves and do their own work. In other words – if you haven't quite got my drift – your spouse, even through his or her bad behavior, can help you perfect your character, correct imbalances and achieve what you never would have otherwise achieved. This, in fact, is one of the purposes of marriage – to help us grow.

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